Resources for Accessibility Best Practices

Links, checklists, and sources of additional information.


Accessibility Principles: This segment of the W3C site introduces some of the web accessibility requirements for websites, web applications, browsers, and other tools. It provides references to the international standards from W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and to stories of web users.

AccessAbility 2: A Practical Handbook on Accessible Graphic Design: A downloadable handbook in PDF format that provides practical information, insights and advice for creating more accessible design work. The current edition was released in May 2019 with a second printing in September 2021. Produced by the RGD (Registered Graphic Designers) in Partnership with the Government of Ontario.

Designing and Developing for Accessibility: This segment of the W3C site provides guidance for writing, designing, and developing for accessibility. It also links to several tutorials on various components of accessible digital content such as page structure, images, tables and forms.

Government of Canada’s Digital Accessibility Toolkit - How to’s: Tips and core steps to help make your digital products and content, such as documents and meetings, accessible.

Employment and Social Development Canada Web Accessibility Course: All best practices: a summary of the key best practices presented in the web accessibility course.

Educator’s Accessibility Toolkit from Ontario’s Universities Accessible Campus: details on developing and delivering accessible courses including topics such as: writing a course syllabus, accessibility in e-learning, accessible science laboratories, creating accessible lectures, using Word and PowerPoint, and more.

How to meet WCAG (Quick Reference): A customizable reference to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) requirements (“success criteria”) and techniques.